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Our Ministries

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Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

James 1:27


We believe in the power of prayer,  God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. We want to pray for you! Whatever your prayer need, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Your request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential. Please e-mail us and we will pray for you. 

Pastoral Counselling

Our church offers pastoral counselling services. What are you struggling with? We can help. Meda Weir is a professional certified councillor, with years of experience. Her services cover Pastoral Counselling, Family Support, and Marriage Counselling. She has the gift of counselling to Moms and Dads with preschooler children. Focusing on discipline and Christian values to help parents and children. 

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Mission - Life Changer International

Allow me to introduce you to Linda Vannoy-Castillo, the Global Pastor for the Well Communities (of which The Well at Wildrose Country), Executive Director of Life Changer International, and author of Live Without Borders. In my experience, Linda rivals the Energizer bunny in her energy and enthusiasm for missions. She is passionate in glorifying God and has shown His love in many parts of the world. Linda's hair is never dull -- always brightly colored -- which fits her bubbly and bright personality. Her love for God and others is irresistible. She would love it if you would join her on one of her many planned mission trips.

Prayer Shawl Ministries

Prayer Shawls are handmade gifts of prayers, into which blessings and intentions have been lovingly crocheted, offering comfort and warmth. Throughout the centuries, shawls have been made to provide comfort, warmth and protection from the elements. Today’s prayer shawls are made for someone who is going through a difficult time such as illness, hospitalization, bereavement, or any other life challenges. These Prayer Shawls are hand made along with prayers, into which blessings and good intentions have been lovingly made with prayers for the recipient, offering comfort and warmth of a different kind. After completion they are prayed over and given to the recipient.

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Local & International Missions we Support 

As a church, we understand the importance of support local and international missions. 

Moms Canada

MOMS Canada’s mission is to serve single mothers and their children by providing one-on-one mentoring, referral services, as well as community and educational centered programming to create positive and lasting change. Striving to be the leader in improving the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of single mothers and their children across Canada. God has allowed MOMS Canada to provide help and support for many single mothers and their children. With the blessing of our amazing volunteer mentors, who dedicate their time to invest in the lives of our moms, we are able help single mothers in several different ways. MOMS Canada offers on-going help by providing a safe environment, a listening ear, fellowship with other single mothers or referrals to a community resource. MOMS Canada is located in Stony Plain, AB. 

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Neighbourlink Parkland


Neighbourlink Parkland assists those individuals who are unable to access the usual government assistance, they have exhausted other resources and are falling through the cracks in the system. We can react immediately and offer hope to the hurting. Each situation is assessed, and help is provided in several ways. Some of the most common are financial assistance, vouchers, medical, ride program, transportation, help closet,  and used furniture. We are open to any situation that we might be able to assist with.

We exist because there is a large gap in service in our community and we fill that gap. We are interested in the individual's personal, emotional and spiritual needs. Every individual is met with kindness and compassion. We are welcoming of all who may need help with no judgement or discrimination.

Samaritan's Purse

Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for Canadians to bless struggling children in the developing world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other items. We collect the boxes and distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in desperate situations.

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“Every box is an opportunity to reach a child with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
—Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan’s Purse

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Food for the Soul

Food for the Soul is an outreach that helps provide bag lunches to help individuals and families. We offer fresh fruit, bread to take home, granola bars, juice and water. This Christmas and Easter they have provided a hot holiday dinner. This mission serves the Parkland County area. We are excited to be a part of this mission along with many other churches in the area. It is a team effort that we all come together to help the community with feeding people. 

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The Well
at Wildrose Country
contact us to find out more or if you have a prayer request

The Little House Church with a Big Heart

780-718-3260 or 1-780-887-7630

24 Campbell Drive

Stony Plain, Alberta

T7Z 1H1

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